Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dryer does not work since we moved

It takes so much time for my dryer to work in my new apartment. I have heard this from many people who have just moved into a new house or apartment, or just built their dream home and moved back story is almost always the same, dryer, which worked fantastically in the old place, now take three to four times more time to dry an average load of laundry and home owner is puzzled. Sometimes the fix is ​​easy, sometimes it is not.
The problem in most cases is associated with the position and length of the dryer duct, as well as a right angle in the dryer was introduced feed to finally yield outwardly. This is the largest contribution to how effectively and efficiently power a clothes dryer will.
Usually what happens is that the homeowner has moved from the place where their dryer vented directly outside of the house in a very short section of the channel can be from 8 to 12 inches, just enough to pass through the outer wall. These are the best settings for drying by the way, if you are planning to build a house in the future, look for the architect position of your washing machine and dryer in the area where the dryer duct is the shortest distance possible to vent the exterior.
Our home owner, tend to move to a place where the dryer is removed in one of the inner walls, this is where the problem almost always lies. To explain, it's always best to keep the dryer vent as short as possible.
There are two factors in how efficiently your clothes dryer will dry your clothes. The first temperature is drier and most have several different parameters for different tissues. The second and most important is the amount or the amount of air your engine fan can move through the dryer while it is running. When you add any number of lengths in proportion to the duct you reduce your ability to move the fan on it.
What's worse is that every hard right turn you add to the channel as well as the addition of five more feet of distance to it. So not surprisingly, dryer, which should work in these conditions does not work as well. It is interesting to note that making a gradual turn can reduce the distance to the added only one and a half feet. But the problem is that it can be difficult to get a gradual turn when your channel is built into the frame of your home.
Although on this topic, I had a lot of homeowners to ask if they have to turn the channel down and let the air dryer exhaust ventilation under the house. This is not a good idea. First of all, you do not want all that moisture is going under your house, it can lead to mold, mildew and wood rot and other problems.
In addition, you do not want all that lint creation under there as well, it can be a huge fire hazard if it accumulates too much. Yes you have the lint filter in the dryer, but does not catch it all.
Finally, if you are using a flexible plastic or aluminum box, make sure that you leave enough room for the dryer to work efficiently. If you click on the dryer hard up against a wall, you smooth out the channel and make it ineffective as a means of moving the exhaust to the exterior.
Making sure your channel has a clear unobstructed dryer vent to the outside of minimum length is the best way to keep it working efficiently and save energy.

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